
Why my daughter will never learn to drive a car…

Why my daughter will never learn to drive a car…

When I told my seven-year-old daughter that I was buying an electric car, she was to say the (…)

Autonomous cars are coming faster than most think and they will have a big impact

Autonomous cars are coming faster than most think and they will have a big impact

I am clear that my 6 year old will not learn to drive. By the time she reaches (…)

Why electric vehicles will come faster than you think

Why electric vehicles will come faster than you think

I am firmly convinced that the electrification of the automobile will happen faster than most people expect. However, (…)

The 5 reasons why China will rule the world of automobiles

The 5 reasons why China will rule the world of automobiles

I was at the Frankfurt Automobile Show last week, the biggest automobile show in Europe. There was lots (…)

Why the future of EVs is not plugin

Why the future of EVs is not plugin

I recently read an article that some of the German government ministers in Berlin were unhappy with the (…)

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