Blog/Energy Storage

The Rush for Carbon Intensive Aluminium

The Rush for Carbon Intensive Aluminium

There is a lot of talk about the ‘hard to decarbonise’ sectors. One of the key ones is (…)

The Hydrogen Wars

The Hydrogen Wars

By Gerard Reid & Carsten Pfeiffer If you listen to the powers that be in Brussels and Berlin, (…)

The Energy Paradoxes

The Energy Paradoxes

The longer I work in energy the more I realise how complicated it is, how reliant it is (…)

The Next War of the Currents

The Next War of the Currents

I saw an advertisement recently for the film ‘The Current War’ which set me off thinking about why (…)

How the EV Revolution will impact commodities

How the EV Revolution will impact commodities

Let me start by saying that the electrification of the automobile is a revolution which cannot be stopped. (…)

Why Bill Gates is wrong about energy

Why Bill Gates is wrong about energy

I recently read Bill Gate’s Linkedin end of 2018 article ‘What I learned at work this year,’ which (…)

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