
The Rush for Carbon Intensive Aluminium

The Rush for Carbon Intensive Aluminium

There is a lot of talk about the ‘hard to decarbonise’ sectors. One of the key ones is (…)

Why Electricity is the New Oil

Why Electricity is the New Oil

For the last 100 years, one energy source has dominated global headlines: oil. Not only has it been (…)

Picking winners in the transport revolution

Picking winners in the transport revolution

The electrification of transport is, for me, a given. It is an unstoppable revolution that will tear apart (…)

How Tesla is revolutionizing the automobile industry

How Tesla is revolutionizing the automobile industry

Thanks to Tesla, and its innovation around autonomous driving, my 9-year old daughter will never need to pass (…)

Breakdown of Interdependency between Big Auto and Big Oil

Breakdown of Interdependency between Big Auto and Big Oil

Some years back I visited one of the major automobile manufacturers with some investor clients of mine. We (…)

How the EV Revolution will impact commodities

How the EV Revolution will impact commodities

Let me start by saying that the electrification of the automobile is a revolution which cannot be stopped. (…)

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